I will talk about foreign country. I have been studying English for 10 years. However, I have never been to abroad. When I was a child, my father recommended me to going to abroad. However, I didn't have courage so I couldn't go. As grown up, I begun to want to go abroad but I didn't have any chances. This summer I will go to New Zealand during my summer vacation. I hope that I study English and culture from the country. My image of NZ is beautiful nature. There are many sheep and they live grassland. I want to confirm. By the way, I want to go to hot spring in NZ. In NZ, people who wearing their clothes can take a bath! I want to do it. My host family have two cute doughtier. One is 7 years old, the another is 4 years old!! I wanted to talk with them. I will bring Japanese toys. I want to enjoy. And, they have cat. I love cats so I want to get along with her or him too.
183 wrods
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