I studied about New Zealand breakfast. Most kiwis eat cereals. There are a lot of kinds of cereals at a grocery store. A big one has about 90 kinds of cereals. The popular kinds of cereals are The Crispy Golden cereal which is not sweet but has a strong apple and cinnamon taste and Muesli cereal which has a lot of dry fruits. Including apricot, raisins, pineapple and so on. It is low calorie.
When they eat cereal, they use a spoon and put milk on it. In NZ, there were many kinds of milk. My host family uses 2 kinds of milk. One is lite. The other is trim. The difference of these is on the fat contents. Trim milk was a smaller percentage of fat than lite milk. The lite milk has 1.5 g and the trim milk has 0.1 g.
Oatmeal is type of soft thick white food made by boiling OATS in milk or water. When they eat oatmeal, they put sugar and milk onto it.
Sometimes, they eat yoghurt and fruits with cereal. They also eat bread with jam or vegemite. Taste of Vegemite is salty miso. At breakfast, they also eat pancakes too. They use eggs, flour, and milk to make them. They don’t put preservatives like bicarbonate in so they make thin hot cake. It is like French crepe. When they eat it, they put jam or cream, sugar, syrup on it.
Finally, most kiwi have never eaten rice in the morning. However, there are many kinds of rice in New Zealand. One kind is long grain rice, the length of it is about 6 mm long. The way to boil is to put in the proportion of 1 to 1.5. You turn down the heat and wait 5 minutes. An other is medium grain rice. The length of it is 5 mm long. It is good rice to make paella.
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